My First Topic
The Day I Met the Great
Peter Gzowski
Jenffer A. Jay
It was back in summer of 1987 when I was working at the Regina Hotel (the Riverside Hotel it is now called) as a luggage handler. When Mr. Peter Gzowski came to town to do his TV show called Gzowski & Company. He stayed at the hotel for two weeks, for those two weeks I helped with unloading and then loading his things.
Soon he started to like my work and then I showed him my cartoons. He liked them and liked me for what I had done with my many handicaps. And how I got far in college with the help of Project Wordpower (now called Yukon Learn). So on the last day I asked him for his autograph. And thats what he did, he signed his name on the back of my library card. Then he noticed that I collected pins so he gave me two pins that he had on him for a " well-done tip." Then he said the next time he is up here with his TV show he promised a bit on me. But that never happened. His TV show got cancelled. I hoped I would meet him again some day.
I volunteered for the PGI the last three years because of that meeting and my belief in literacy for all. And will do it again this year and many more years to come.
Sadly on January 24, 2002 Mr. Peter Gzowski died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, due to emphysema. I will always remember the day that I met this great man. His dream will live on in all the golf tournaments for literacy across Canada that he started in 1986, and will live in our hearts for many years to come.
My Second Topic
all so you will read some Miss J stoies here to that is new ans yet fit in the other miss j page not just yet:
"Whos is crazy"
By Jenffer A. Jay
Somewhere deep in a mountain range, somewhere in the Yukon, thats where Miss J and her band, Arthurs Magic Music Players now, live.
One fall morning Miss J asked a question to her "Who is crazy in the band?" So Miss J walked around seeing just who is crazy. Super Y.T, William and the others were working on a space ship. Then Miss J saw Quiet on her hammock .It was by two old oil drums from W.W II, behind a big rose bush. Quiet was reading a spelling dictionary while singing songs from the Broadway musical "Cats". Then Miss J saw Bretea Jr. He was munching on a beetle as always do is goofing off from work.
Then Miss J heard Florence the moose talking to her daughter, Florence said to her daughter " It will be snowing soon, but I dont need any snowshoes .I have my hoofs. "
"Yes, me too!" said her daughter as they walked over to the mess tent.
" I cant decide who is the most crazy: Quiet, Bretea Jr, or Florence." said Miss J. Then she heard Quiet again. This time with a megaphone.
"Without a doubt" said Miss J." Quiet is the craziest one of all of us and she my sister too. Thats is the way I love her as my sister "said Miss J as she walked over to her tent for a nap. So once again Quiet is the crazies one in the band!"

Here's a picture I took on a recent trip.
We hope to update this page often with new photos.