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"Jenlog" (Online Diary) or if You are a sweet woman....

What is a Jenlog?

A "Jenlog" is an online journal. It's a place for me to share news, views, experiences, photos...whatever occurs to me. You'll find my opinions on a variety of topics as well as links to other things on the web that I find interesting. When the spirit moves me, I may also include longer essays on topics.

I'll make changes to this site on a regular basis, so you should check back often.

If you are a sweet woman with a lot of optimism and a sense of humor. You like learning new things and enjoy dancing. You like an in you like is verey most importantly, to me



In this area I'll include links that highlight areas of my weblog. For example, I might include a link to my most recent posting or links to my personal favorites of all my postings.

to my other pages

Be sure to get in touch so I know you're out there!