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And it did Things tooled shape in 1985 a miss j and I went to project word power on the raod to get ready for collage and for me to lean how to white better of the strip. See I use miss j as a tool for my leaning. You know this my now in this book And I leaned a lot thought the strip men things that I seen to know for the years to come. And then I started to show my work to any one who was there soon every one who saw it like it my stip was more or a hit then am old drawings at shcool there just love to see me work becase some of the peple never did see a cartooest must in there life. In July of 1985 my work was 1st published in their newspaper called the project news For the next 3 newsletter in was home to miss j and the am and my poems .on the last newsletter the 1st MISS J AND THE AM strip this was strip one that an ever done. And updated for the newsletter and if you read "This song" it was the 1st song and info that was published in that newspaper. With the 1st drawing of them and the 1st word puzzle called "the breakfast club" and i started write stoy about missj but thay never made in the newlettler
Here ther following story i wrote at this time
Miss j lucky day
Once there was a man weaing a wig . He was talking and walking in the park. It was a nice all blue day with a stong wind .the the wind becamame winy and blew his wis off his head . So he went to the neearset party phone to call the radio station to put an ad .on the air for a lost wig . And who ever found it gets $100.00
So at the other side of town miss j was filling here car at the gas pump
A wig came flying by and ladded in miss j's bag of socks in back of her car
Miss j pcked up the wig and said "that's a mean looking type of wig"
Then some thing came oven om miss j's car radio " if any one found a lost wig .return it to this readio staion for a reward!!"
So miss j did
And guess what?! She got a cheque for $ 100.00 for findinf ti wig and on way home miss j buy some tea at the tea shop then went home...
In Nov. 85 I was ready for the next part.
The Yukon college years 1986-88
And the stort stoiys about miss j and the am
Miss j and I want to the Yukon College for there's upgrading program. Ocen again I used miss j as a tool to help me to leaned thing then i leand to use the apple II c to do the folllwing story with miss and wmy new konow how abour the apple II c i'd make some of my closest friends that I have. And there are still with me and there to help me in times of need.
There i started to make more stort storys ( and poem that you all realy had read) about miss j and the am
Here ther following story i wrote at this time
Whose snow?
"what are you giong to do today?" asked quiet
" i'm going to shovel out the siewalks" siad miss j
"can i help you ?" asked quiet
"no!" she said " rememder what happned the last time you heled me?"
"no" said quiet . " what happened last time i heled you with the sidwalk?"
" you,"said miss j " were using a pithch fork for shvelling the snow"
" so what?" said quiet
So what ! " yelled miss j " you alaost got me in the lag!"
" O.K ,next time i'll use a spoon " said quiet
' why don't you go have lucnh ?" said miss j
"O.K!" said quiet and went into the kitch and had lunch.
The o- macs
It's was henry and martha o-mac's last last night in the campgound . The o-ma's were going to sleep . But . Martha heaid some noises outsde of there tent
"henry," said martha " i hear noises out side!"
"so," said heney " go to sleep martha and do't bug me"
Little did they know the bears were haveing their "ANNUAL BUG -A- CAMPER PARTY" and the o-mas's wrere "it" for this year
One bear was sitting on the top of the o-mac's car playing with their ice box and eating the food .then another bear was playing with the o-mac's tent and another was eating out of martha's cooking pot .
Then the beaver came and started to eat a tree . Then a snake came and went in the tent to take a nap
The next day ,henry and martha woke up and went outside .the saw thier camp was in a msss . Then martha said to henry as thet cleaned up " their was a wild party outside last night."
"i know ," said henry " but why there did't asked us to join in?"
Miss j and the gorilla !
One nice sunny day down at the campgound .
Art wes reading the newspaper and may was reading a book in the cookhouse .
Art tured arround to may ans said " thieir is a goilla is loss just two miles from here "
Oh!" said may " i hope he does't come around here !"
Just then !
A crash come from the door and stading there was the garilla
"EEEEK!!" there's that gorilla!" said may " let get ou of here!"
Then may grebbed art and went out thought the back dor leveing the gorilla in the cookhouse the the gorilla began to look around the cookhouse for food . But the garilla didin't foud any so he started to rip a part the cookhouse . Then he saw miss j coming to the cookhouse with a bag of bananas . So the gorilla jumed up in to a tree that was next to the cookhuse and swung to miss j and grabbed the bananas from the bag ans started to swing to the next tree .
This maded miss j mad she took a two gabage can's lids and smacked up to him as he eat the bananas to his back of his head the pow
Nooking chim out cold ! Then some peole came up to miss j and said " thank you for the capture or our gorila "
Then they gived miss j some money and said" here's $100.00 for your help!"
Then the people tooked the gorilla away in a truck
Then art and may came up to miss and " thanks for saving our lives"
"OH?!.."said miss j i didn't know that..but why alll of us go uot and have dinner!"
" yes!? Siad art and may
So miss j ,art and went to town and had a good time
The following stor was not wort by me this is a few that i redone
That some sels wited this one call "good bead" was part for and lessson in chege in past tis stoy was done by esther chase but when t re done it useing miss j she likrd so must that she told that t use my redone story of here if i every put one toget her so here it...
Good bead
Miss j will bake good bead .she will take her time and doing it will it give her plesuse . She will sprinkes the teast over the water that has suser dissolved in it . Then she wil metts the shorten ing in warm milk . She will cool it with water and mix in the yeast
She will add the flour and .kneads it well .she will let it rise for several hours and the puch out the gas . She will let rease agian and then sheares it into loaves and put then in pans to rise . Once more .while the bead is baking , miss j's band will be licking there chops
It will come out high and light and fluffy , miss j will be the last one to get any
To play the game of golf , you use these rules in courtesy.
First: you have to wait untill eveyone played the first tee. Then look and see if anyone is on the playing groud.
If you lost the ball , don't try and look for it all day just find someone else's lost ball and play with .
If you lost yuor golf ball in a gopher hope , don't be a chicken . Reach in and get it thet don't biite .and don't shove beer cans in the gopher hole.
Always clean the hole and put back the flag than go and play the next hole
Don't break your clubs when you miss a put.
Don'i try to aim your ball at the anmals for the fun of it
By follwing these rules , you'll become a better golfers like us !
The glasses
Our next door neigghtbor was old and he could not see well . So we boudht him a pair or glasses because he kept on buming into the wood pile at night.
The next day we asked kate to take glasses to next door neighor.
So she did, when kate gave the glasses to the man he said" what are you giving a pair or glasses to me for?"
Then kate siad in a nice voice " beccause you are old and you cant see well in the night ."
Then the man got mad yelled " i'm not old , see i've got hair over my eyes !!, what i need is a fashlight , not a pair glasses!"
A ghost
"let me tell you why i belive in ghosts" said tad
"oh...why?" asked kate " do you believe in ghosts?"
"because i saw one that why ." said ted teambling like leaf on the tree it was down by the cookhouse!"
"OH! Come on..there's no such thing as ghosts . Here i'ii take you down there and show you !" said kate
So ,kate and ted went to see if that thay can see the ghost at the cookhouse. As they got close to the cookhouse a ghost jumped out of the doorway . Ted was scared , but not kate! She reached out to the ghost .then she gab the ghost and pull it down .
It was bratea haveing fun as a ghost.
"see!" siad kate" that was only that dumd chicen heing the ghost"
"OH!" siad tad " i'm going back to work"
So they went.... Laeving bratea laughing and very happy!!
The walk
Miss j anticipate a walk in the sun . She plans to take a detour down by the creek when .she got to the creek she felt weary
So, she look for a place to rest. But!,she got baffled about where to sit down.(it was a old log) then !She was facd with a diemma! -to go on......or stat then miss j heard a plea for help! Tranrinitted over the air. She went in the dirction of the plea. As miss j tured into a ben in the path. She colded into art. Being a goood somariton aer asked miss j why she was running?
Miss j confirmed she had head a plea for help art verird to miss j that it was't a plea for help;
It was bratea sining with quiet . Down by cookhouse to miss me and may.
A day named monday
It was monday ms. O-mac had to babysit her sister's babies and cook tonight's dinner . Everthing was going fine untill the cake in the oven started to burn she rushed to the ove on her way over to the oven , one of the babies grabbed her leg and started to cry .the cay of the baby sounded loud . So loud that her dog started to back .
At the same time the other baby started to bang on a jam tin the ouly thing that seened to be quiet was her cat .she was on the table eating ms. O-mac 's lunch ( a tuna sandwhich).
Then ms. O-mac shelled somthing bad . The frying was on fire! So ms. O-mac rushed over to the phone and called the fire department . Then she dropped the phone and picked up the babies ans went outside . At that moment the fire department came and put out the fire
As rhe fire deparment was leaving ms. 0-mac siad to herself" always it seemed my bay day are on monday!" then she went in with the babies...
Things that annoy me!
By miss j
There is a lot of things that annoy me so much i'm going to list them right here......
I dislike:
1) people who do not maintatain thier cars proerly and let them. Brack dowm in the middle of the road !
2)people who shubs at my friends and me .when we sing a bad song.
3) people who can't endure a yukon winter but thier can endure a bottle of yukon rum.
4) unexpose rocks on the road at caused flat tiers.
5) people who don't believe in the legend of king arthur!
6) kids that take a whold day pondering one math question: get no homework then pass on thir math test.
7) drastic changes in the weather when i go a camping trip.
8) a whart too shot for my dad's yach but not for quiet's rowboat.
9) people who stuff 5 lbs. Of paper in a ballot laving NO ROOM! For my ballot
10) people who easy fesign on things that is simple and go home and laveing thier friends doing it for then.
11) it every time rarea amended his ways. Hes tarted over again -- buy worse !!
Things like that don't annoy me , they put me in a rage like the wrath of an angay bear i should end this and go home and recline in my bed before i stated any trouble..
Miss j
At the post office!
It's customary for miss j to stop at the post office after she does her shopping . While miss j is at the post office . She reads all the placards on the wall.
She alays reads the legible placads first. By reading those placards , miss j uneaths some thought - provoking things about people.
An example is the deparure time for the mini buses and other thing on wheels she also sees signs with meeting and events than have been cancelrd or will be canceled.sometime there will be a placard that gives the meeting time for the clergy man's spouses.
There are also funny ads for transrarent hot dogs and cups. But there's always some kends of i.o.u's from one debtor to another debtor . After reading those placards on the post office's wall miss j consides herself lucky that she is alive.
The bees
Miss j was reading a biography about dr. Lemuel gullier. She was she was sitting at the table . Then she heard a tumult of voices behing her.
Miss j turned around and saw art ted yelling "watch out because there's a swarm of bees coming this way!" miss j stopped art and asked him " what happened?" art told miss j " ted was kneeling under the cookhouse floor fixing the wooden beams . One of the beams wobbled and accidentaly knocked over a bee's nest!"
" let go over ther and calm the bees " said miss j obedient to what miss j had siad art followed miss j down to the cookhouse
"how ,are you going to calmed the bees ?" asked a dejected art
"i'm going to drench them" said miss j as she picked up a hose " so they can't fly!"
Then miss j saw the bess . She tuned on the hose . Then aimed at the bees abs drenched all of the bees .
The soon the water from the hose recede .the bees went crawlled back to their's nest " there! That is that i'm gonig back to my book!" said miss j laving an amazed art.
Bonnie and dan
One day, bonnie was walking down a stony path to the cookhuse. On the was over ther she saw dan waeking up from his nap.
Dan was using an old fishing net tied between rhe man's outhouse and a treee as an hammock . As dan went over to his tent and got out a piace of spicy cake.
Bonnie wanted a piece of that spicey cake , so she thought up a way to be noticed by dan . So she widned her shirt so she looked sexy and waled over to dan.
Placing her body infront or dan .then she asked him for a piece of cake . Thaking out his kninf .dan cut a piece of cake for bonnie. Then they went over to sne shady trees and lay down and ate their cake to their amazement, dan and bonnie fell in love.
************ their's a morrow to this story ---- *************
************ when you in love , eat cake! ************
Ned's weeds free lawn
All pleopl of all ages love a green lawn , but , not some people like ned .
Ned hates to get this lawn mowed and weeds "free!" . So he got a cement "lawn!". That is a lawn full of cement and painted green like the grass . The only thing to do is sweep it and he just loves sweeping things.
But the lawn was too perfect becauce it took less work keep it clean. So ned decided he would be happier if the "lawn"
Didn't looked so perfect ! What he did was to paint a great big danndelion in the center of the lawn now he is happy with his unperfect lawn!
The odor
It was a fine day but a boring day in the campground everyone was doing the harest to keep preoccupied . But not quit .
He was on the highest tree in the campground banging his cymbals angrily.
Why ?
He was mad because there was a sing odor coming from the cookhouse . But noone head him'so quit 0slid down the length of the tress useing his cymbals.
Then quiet got a blanket and his horn the he went up to his sister miss j and started to wave the blanket and honk hes horn .
" are you pulling a prank on me ?" said miss j
" NO !" said quiet " a smoky odor is coming from the cookhouse !"
" is this one of your pointess jokes isn't " said miss j
Then mat went up to then and said " would you be so helpful to find where that bad odor is coming from?"
Miss j looked at quiet with a joyful smile and said " you win!,let's go and seee where the odor is coming from!"
Miss j was hopeful that the odor wasn't anything bad. So they went carefully over to the cookhouse then they careflly opened the door and saw bratae. He was toasting ham in the toaster for his lunch.
"latey i'm starting to wonder about you" said miss j to bratea in a loud voice
" you know the safty rules for this place , do you !?" said quiet
"you almost totaly ruined this place " said miss j then they gently lifed bratea up with his lunch and took him outide . "there! Now keep out of trouble " said miss j humbly as she and quiet went away.
Fish and chips
Quiet and art owen a boat together and both of them liked to fish trout and sice they could't afford a motor yeh! So they always useas y.s's motor from boat on monday of last week they were going to the wast end of anne lake where the truot fisting is very good their had taken some food and drinks along were happy as they began to turn into a small inlet where they thought the fishing was the best on the whole lake saw lage boat then they saw a man leaing overboed so they went adord to hepl the fallen man whet they on bord and went over to him they saw the nam was daed just then quiet fely a gun pressed into his back!
Then a man said " get to the side of the boat and put your hands up so art and quirt did went the man siad and move evey slowly to the side of the boat then the man siad " look down to water !"
So they did. Then art and quiet quiet saw some men in a small boat like there but with a few movies camers the man in the small boat said "C - U -T !!" get those two stand -ins to do it over agian and do it right this time !" the art said " we're not your stand-ins .and we'er living1"
"no!" siad the man in the boat then he got out for the smll boat and on the big one " you see we needs you twos and i'm going give tou two $500000.00 to broth of you to do this over right !" so, ther did like the man said so atfer thar they went back home on the way they bounght some fish and chips from the chip stand . Then they went home to have they fish and chips with miss j. But this not this story will continued in the story called "miss j at anny lake or
Fish and chips part 2"
Pot 'n' mud
Ned was merrily singing a song as he was cooking up the menu for tonight's dinner special. He was stirring the soup quietly and quickly. Ned's helper was merrily cut a big ham. He wad cheerfully singing with Ned'
As they were singing heartily, flo silently walked in and wend up to Ned
" here is pot for the sweet and sour ribs?" said flo angrily
"up on the top shelf by the cake pans "siad ned bravely pointing up . So flo looked up on top shelf , but the pot wasn't there . Flo said looking down to ned " the pot isn't there
"What! It can't be,,,,"said ned",,,,,try again!"
So flo look again . The only thing that she saw the cake pans . As flo was looking for the pot. Ned was merrily taking out the gabrage .to the garbage bin . As ned was dumping the garbage can into the bin he saw bratea with the pot that flo was looking for.
" come here flo i found your pot !!" yelled ned flo came running out and siad! "WHERE?"
"over there " said ned pointing to bratea and the pot .bratea was putting in mud and water and making mud pot
"just look!, what he is dong to my beast pot " flo turning to ned and wavving her hand in the air.
"i've got a idea !" said ned
" oh,,what's that? " said flo
" you just wait and see my dear " said ned as he went insie.
Some what later ..... Flo looked up on the roof and saw ned with some rope and a hook . Ned bravely lowred down the hook and the rope . With a quick snag it then ,ned qnickly brought the pot to the roof with bratea hanging on it. But brate didn't hung on the pot for long . The mud came out and went on bratea making him fall into a big mud puddle . Breaking his fall. Bratea got up and ran home. Then ned came dow from the roof went over to flo and handed the pot to her.
"thank you ned,that was clever of you." said flo as they welked in
"i know that's why i'm the cook " said ned.then flo truned to him and smiled and said" that is why you are working for me"
A cold monrning with miss j
Did you know that miss j is more adventuroud then dan!
One day miss was at home sleeping in her bed . But outside the snow was falling on the ground and the sky was paler then the moon . Miss j just got up from her bed and looked out the windon .she saw the new fallen snow, and can hardy wait to go out .
She was more ambitious then a kid on the last day of school! So miss j went out and walked down the path to dan's this path to dan's house was longer the the old yukon collage's driveway and the snow on the path was softer the cotton.
As miss j walked down the path she was humming a song .miss j's voice was sweeter than lynn's voice .when miss j got to dan's house , the house was quieter then quiet on monday night.
So miss j knocked on the door and waited for awhile . Dan came to the door and opened it . Dan was wearing a plain shirt. The shirt was plainer then a dictionary on the table.
Dan let miss j in said to her" you look more terrific then my sister rose!"
" OH!,why thany you dan,"said miss j "want to go outside with me in the snow?"
" yes, but first , do you want some of my coffee?" said dan
" NO !" sid miss j" your coffee is more horrible then quiet's coffee.let me take you over to my place and have some of my coffee."
" OK !" said dan " but tell me why your coffee is better then mine?"
" bcause the coffee that i usr is expensive then you 0.55 cent coffee." said miss j as they walked over to her place . When they got to miss j's house . They went in as quiet as mice
"why are we walking so quiet?" asked dan
"because quiet is asleep that's why " siad miss j as she got the coffee and the sugar . Then miss j made some coffee ans sat by the table . Soon the coffee was ready . Opened the can of sugar and try to a sroon in it , but the sugar in the can was hard as a rock.
"here let me try" said miss j .dan give her the can then miss j tried to loosen the sugur but she could't so miss j said to dan" if you are as good as gold and get the hammer and help me i'll give you something nice"
"OK !" siad dan and went to get the hammer . Dan went to the shed where the hammer was . He picked up the hammer, the handle of the hammer was as cold as ice . Then he picked up wedge and went back to miss j .
Miss j put the wedge in the can
"here hold it " she said .so he did .then miss j sung the ammer and went come down it missed the wedge ,but she got dan's hand . Dan's face went as red as a beet . He yelled in pain and went as quicky as a rabbit to the first aid box a band aid.
"here let me do it!" said miss j as she got out the box of band aid from the first aid box. So as light as a feather she put a band aid on dan's hand
" there,! You look as pretty as a picture with band aid on !"
Said miss j
" why thank you miss j you are as sweet as honey !" said dan .as they got back to their coffee.after they had there's coffee dan asked " can i some cookise?" and miss j said " YES!" . So dan went to cookies jar and opened it but there is no cookies it the jar !
" there is no ! Cookise in the jar!" said dan
"oh i know why ...yes i know now!, there is no cookies in that jar because quiet ate all of then last night." siasd miss j
" i gruess we'll just go down to the store and get some " siad dan. So dan and miss j cleaned thier cups and saucers then went to miss j's car .but fist ,miss j went to her drewer in her room to get her car keys . Then she joined dan by her car. Beror they got in the car miss j and dan herd a clawing noise.
"there must be an oulaw in you car ."said dan
"i see about that!" said miss j as she got on knees and crowed to her car . When miss jgot closed to her car. She heard a great big yawn . The yawn make dan scaired and run acrossed the lawn and into miss j's house ,at full sreep!
Meadwhile.. Miss j open her car door and saw bratea sleeping in the front seat
"GET OUT ! " shouted miss j as she picked him up by his beak. Then miss j put bratae on the ground and siad to him "next time i ever catch you in my car without asking me to be in ti you'll be thew out thought the windo!"
Then mssj went to her hose to get dan.
Dan was in the shower with some towls over his head "the ouly thing was in my car was that clown bratea ,so let's don't waest any more time!" said miss to dan as they went back to the car .then off they went to town.
Rose and betty
Miss rose love and obese sister betty works for the municipal police as detectives part time and the reast the they works miss j and am as there pr . On rose's day offf she goes down to the camp ground to vist betty and to taly about betty's obesity. Betty likes to be abese because she thing being fat, as she put it magnifies her brauty srots . Rose thinks the opposite of her siser . She thinks eating to obesity is bad.
When rose takes about obesity to her sister , it always turns into a oral disagreement , but when thay have these diageement it never jeopardizes thir frienndship . Because they know better then to keep own opinion about each other when thay talkso whenthey have frnished they talk about someting alse like -- did betty go to see her chiropractor about her bad back this week or not, or like the raise in rose's pension that she got last week.
Jane's ear ring!
Miss me was playing with her bike bell in moss by her tent when she smelled someting goming from the cookhouse , she ran to the cook house but as she got close she triped on an ant hill and fell om her drassed and got it all messed up
" that was a bad fall i had " said miss me to herself as she got up from the ground.
Then she went to the cookhouse and looked in window and saw jane cooking something.
" it might be my dinner " thougt miss me as she walked to the back door and went up to jane and sighed and tugged on jane's dress
"oh!.. It's you! Siad jane as she turned off the stove light' then jane gaved miss me dinner and it was meat roll and cold toast. " say miss j " said janeas she got a glasss of milk for miss me " have you seen my gold ear rings?"
"no!" said miss me " but i saw something that looked like gold on the rocky patch by my tent"
So atfer dinner jane and miss me want to miss me's tent to look at the gold
They walked briskly down the patch to the gold.
As they got ther, jane saw the gold she pick it up and started to cay" ti's my ear rings "
Then she dried her eyes and siad "thank you miss me then gaved her a big long hug.
Then jane said " let's go by the soda shop and get some sode for your good deed"
So they did....
******* the moral of this story is ...**********
****** keep your eyes open this migth *********
***** be something good for you !!***********
A lucky day for art !
Art went to town to but a puzzle book the sky was slowly turning graty then it started drizzling as art went down the road . In town , the thew people wereing rain coats then .. It started to pour. So art went under a maple tree art sat down and looked at the steeple on the new church.
Then art saerted to whistle a song. The song was about cattle and bottles. Then the rain stopped as art just got settled down.
As art waked down down the steet , be came baffled at sign on a drug store window the sign said
We are reffling off a muffler
So don't sniffle
With your cold
Be in the raffle!
Then art into the drug store to enter his nane in the raffle. Art put his name in and waited. As he waited he looked at the examples of x-mas on the wall. Then some people walked in the drug store.
Everyone was happy noone was crying and the to crowd around the draw box . Then the store was full of happiness when the store ower came out of his office . Then everyone went in a crazy mood when the store
Owner put his arm in the box and guess what!
Art won the raffle the store owner put the muffler around art's neck . Then the crowd carried art
Down the street singing in a glorious voice . This made art happy .so happi that he forgot to buy his puzzle book !!
The candidate
Missj tooked dan to a candidate forum to hear his speech on his campaign views . When they got there the arena was temperat and very noicely . Then the candidate preceded his forum by singing o- canada , arter that he started his speech by speeking about the sensitive issue of today.
Like about , everyone should get veccinate against bad diseaes. And all adolescent men and women should get a check ups. Skiming thought his papers . The candidate . Started
Then the nxt thing the candidate mentioned . Thae his opponent is a radical nutcake with a untidy mind . Then the vast crowd bust into spontaneous cheering at the candidate in what had said so far.
Then the candidate got silly and started to say silly things like ... " we need more coedueaitonl restroom in all the high schools in town . And then he said " ande we must keep ours cooking utensil in ours pockets ."
Then miss j turned to dan and said " let's go home dan! I have more fun cleaning a untidy room then listen to this nut !"
So miss j and dan went leving the candidate with a mad crowd.
On the
Mountain's top
Quiet and art are climing a mountain summit they wanted to see the majesic view of the land they live in. They took some army gear that they bought from an army surplus store they even brought some water pills in case if they get caught in a drought. And they also brought some rations just in case thier food supply dwinled.
As they got close to the mountain summit , art said to quiet
" take heed to what i say.. Watch out for falling rock !"
Soon art got tried of leading the way so, he delberately on down the path.
As they turned into a ban on the path they saw a lot of cut
Trees on the path.
"look! ,said quiet " there must be some vandals in the area!"
"yes !" said art takeing off his pack " who ever done this is a tritor to mother nature !" so they claened up the mess . It's tooked then a long time to pile up the mess on the on the path so it can be used again.
Then they went on down the path .as they walked a mile they somthing esle thet saw someone riding a horse down the path to them . It was miss rose love. She stopped her horse and got off and went up to art and quiet and said to them in a sad voice " my sister and i was siding around enjoining this nice moutain when i lost my sister i looked all over her .. But .. I can't find her"then miss rose started to cry.
"don't cry rose " said art as he tooked off her glass and wiped her eyes
"yes, but frist i'm having my lunch" said quiei as he tooked out a piece of spicey cake out from his pack.
As quiet was bitting in the cake they had head i noice then they tuened around and saw rose's sister bertty . Rose asked betty where she was " i was at the hotdog stand on top of thin mountain's summit." she said
"how did you find us ?" said as they srarted wakl agian on the path.
"i smelled a piece of a spice cake." said betty
Then miss rose tured to quit and said thank and gived him a kiss on the for head.
George's assignment
It was assigmement day at george's school . Everyone had to read thier assignment at the front of the classroom. It was george's tusn to read .he got up from his dresk and went up to the black board . He tooed out a piece of paper from his notebook and started to read...
" hailing taxi cabs in a big city..."
George stopped for a minute for everyone to stop giggling .then he went on....
" .. Is hand to do first you have to look to see that the cab is not full or if not off duty . To get a gab is hard to do .when there are alot of pepole on the steet .you have to get around them or wait in line for one cab .you may wait for hours just like when you get a seat in a hockey game ...the end "
Everyone clapped their hands . As george went to his desk then the grorge's teacher said " that was a good assignment . You get an A+"
" that's good !" said george to himself " now i got something to write abut to his aunt miss j !"
Miss j's new guitar !
A week beroe the am had thier annual christmas concert.
Miss j had their annal christams concert miss j had lift her guitar on the table and went over to may's bus to have lunch with may and jane . While she had lunch y.a and art were tring to backed up ya's semi - trailer . Thier didnit see the table with miss j's guitar on it and they backed right into it. Miss j saw the whole thing for may's bus.
She came rnning out the bus yelling to them but ,it was toooooo late the table and the guitaqr were flat as a pancake ! Then art looked around and saw miss j crying . Art asked why is miss j is cring for? Miss j answered back in a sad voice " you heve run over my guitar!"
" oh . We are sorry miss j " said art " but you still can sing at the concert"
" but art," said miss j " it won't be the same with out my guitar."
Then miss j looked at art for a long time...
"well..." said miss j " i guess i can try ,"
Then miss j walked away sobbing in her hands.
So time passed and it was the day of the concert miss j was feeling disgrunted and sad . So art had an idea . He told eveeryone in the band .but not miss j . Art told everyone to pitch in some money for a new guitar for miss j , and everyone
So on the stage .... Art went up to the mike . And started to speak to the crowd . And this what he said..
"hello everyone , welcome to our concert i'm gad you made it here tonight . But, befor we get stated our concert there something for we to do" at this point miss j waled on the stage.)" a week ago ya and i were bacing our semi-trailer and ran over miss j's guitar . So, the week passed and miss j whree feeling sad s'" (the art turn to miss j and give her a big long box.) " here is something for you from me and the band"
Miss j was stunned she open the box . It was a new guitar with her name on it. Then everyone said " merry chistmas miss j !"
Then the vast crowd burst into spontaneous cheering and clapping , this made miss j very happy . Then she thanked everyone and started to play and play. Every one haf a great time at the concert.
At the bar with some tarts
Art was in the papk . He was drving a go-cart to bar to play in the band . When art was driving , he drove through some tar and made a make on the road. Then art took a sharp turn and headed to the market. He stopped the go-cat and went into the market . He marched over to the tarts ans bought some for the band . Then art went over to the noisy bar and went in and joinede his band.
They were sitting down waiting for miss j to come . So art sat down and waited too. Then miss j walked in the bar. The whole band saw her and they rejoiced because they were happy to see her.
So theywent up on stage and sang a song about boycotting old stop signs . But an employee started to annoy the band by "booing" at them.
The booing from the emloyee started to annoy miss j and the band . So miss j picked up a saucer and threw it at the employee . The saucer missed the employee but made him mad , so mad there he threw a beer can at missj but the beer missed her and hit art in the hand.
Art was mad he picked up the nearest thing that was next to him . His tarts and threw them. The tarts missed the emloyee and hit some people . Then the people started to threw things at him am and the band .
Then band stopped ploaying and started to run out of the bar with their stuff. To art's go-cat they went and drove home . With beer cans in their hair and tarts on them and on their stuff.
Never again would they let art but tarts and sing in a bar with them!
"the brakes and the dog!"
Ned the cook was driving his car to the brake shop for new brakes for his car . But, he was not the only one who was driving to the brake shop . Flo , his boss and the head waitress was going to the brake shop for a wheel alinement job on her back wheels.
That wasn't all that was on the road , mis o-mac's dog was on the road . He was just sitting there looking down the road . Behind him flo just turned the corner. She was driving faster then ever . Ned was a few yards behind her going at the same speed. Flo saw the dog and slaned on her brakes.
The car stopped a few inches from the dog but the dog didn't move.
Then flo said,"that is the laziest dog , i ever saw!"
Then .. " C R A S H !" somthing hit flo's car from behind . It was ned . He hit flo's car as hard as a rock. Ned flew out of his car and on to flo's roof . Flo got out of her car and said to ned " im sorry ned . Are you feeing ok?"
"yes,i will ok . But why is there a dog on the road?"
Than the dog moverd ." i think he's going home ." said flo
"oh by the way where were you going?"
"to the brake shop for some new brakes" said ned
"me too. Said flo " i did the damage so .. I am going to pay for your and my car."
"ok flo that be just great!" said ned . Then they got into there cars and drove the brake shop.
The next story was close to go ban becouse but i done it got CENSORED and tooked off from my disk why the why i wrote it was a but miss j takeing a hallday in a nude beach but art and quient did know so there tpy to cover but befoe i can fich it my teach told me " i was my tpy of story and i was too kind to write soming like that because i may offan some why this story was a about how miss j is a free suol and can show off her boby when she can feel like and you know by now that is now offen she done that in my stip on in my story and i wnet acoss a line on this one.
So i had to do it and i have it but in my mind it still because in the end of the story it was art and quiet fouted out why miss j stiped on the baech becuacuse it was a nude baech art and quiet leanded in lasson in a free soul . It took me untin 2000 befor i did a stroy that cross that line and you will read it here but offen i did came close to that line where i rewote these.
But only one that close to that line is the following story
The only thing that it did't got CENSORED becouse i use can-can dancers i'm glad that i did't put strips it and it sat in a bar .so here it is..
Flo's poll
Flo the waitnrss was taking a poll for her bar to see what could be done to improve the service.
On the first day of the poll flo polled the first person who came into the bar room. The first one who came was ted . Flo went up to ted and asked him.
"do you want to do a polll for me on the service of this bar?"
"sure flo ," said ted" ask away."
"ok," said flo " are you harry about the service in this bar?"
"yes!" said ted
"ok .." said flo " are you bored with any or the emrloyees in the bar?"
" only the cook " ,replied ted.
"ok ..said flo" are you disappointed in anything in this bar?"
" yes "said ted "the food."
"ok." said flo are you bored with any thing in the bar?"
"yes.." said ted" the pink toilet paper in the men's room."
"ok ted.."said flo" now are interested in any entertainmant . We have in his this bar?"
"oh yes" said ted " the can -can dancers."
" oh.I'm suprpise at you ted!"said flo
"why?" said ted
"liking the can - can dancers." said flo
"you told me, " said ted " what i'm am interested in."
" yes i did now!" said flo " i must go on ... Now are you excited any things we are planning of this year?"
"oh yes.." the pool games."
" oh,"said flo " i see by the look on your face you are excited about that , i bet you are in favor of that too , hey ted."
"yes ! , i'm am !!" stouted ted as got up the stool
"ok ted " sais ted " get down from the stool .. Now for the last one, whats things you are worried about this bar ?"
"yes" said ted " getting somone to bring me a drink."
"i see " sais flo " i bring you something to drink . Anyway i'm fed up with this poll. And the all your drinks will be on the house for helpping me with the poll."
So flo went and get a drink for ted then she sat next to ted and talk . And talk they did all night they just sat there talk and drink.
Bratae's wooos
"say miss j did you here a wooo ?" asked kate as tey wakled down the path " no!" siad miss j " you must hearing thing !""
"i'm not hearing thing miss j i heard a wooooo!" said kate
" yo8u don't hear woooos in day " said miss j
"oh when do you hear wooooos?" said kate , as they walked on the foot bridge to the main cookhouse
" when something about to be faided at the cookhouse " siad missj
"oh by whom may i ask ?" asked kate .
"by bratea when he is hanger ." sais miss j
"oh ,! Who's food is going to be raided this time?" said kate standing the froont of the cookhouse look at the road . The they head a great big "WOOOOOOOO then a "AGGGGGGGGGH!" then they heard someone say , help that bump chicken is eating my food!"
Thenthey saw may running down to the road to them
"yep, i knew it!" said miss j
"how did you knew?" asked kate pointing to the cookhouse
" because bratea hadn't raidede her food in a week " siad miss j.
"we had to do somethine about this!" yelled may waving her hands up and down.
"i will do someting." said miss j " just wait until tomorrow!"
The next day ...
Miss j got up before bratea and hind behind the cookhouse . And waited for bratea to come.
Aqn hour passed before miss j saw bratea coming to the cookhouse
"WOOOOOOO!" then an "ZZZAAAGGGHH!" came out from the cookhuse "HELP!" yelled brarea as he ran away from the cookhouse " help there's a mad woman in the cookhouse!" yelled bratea as he ran kate and may's campsite.
Kate and may looked at each other and said " i guesssed miss j had done somtime to him!"
"yes " said miss j as she came up to them
" now let my idea will last " sais miss j
" he hope so ..' said may
Hoping they they will never do that again!
A lesson in sausage for bratea !
Most people refee to call it a sausage . But not bratea ... He called it " hamburger with tight on!" and why dose bratea called it that ? Because he loves to eat tham . And why not .. He have them everday at breakfast, luncn and dinner . Bratea like all kine of sausage big ones , fat ones , long ones and so on ....
When bratea sees a sausage he goes crazy ! He tries anything to get close to them.
One day ...
Bratea saw some some sasuage on miss j's table. Miss j was going cook then for dinner . So bratea waited behind a tree until miss j went in her tent . Miss j went in her tent because , her frying pan was in there.
Bratea looked around , so he could find a place to hide bratea wanted to take the sausages, although he knew hw would be caught my miss j. Bratea will take the sausage as long as he desn't get caugt . Bratea thinks if he dressed up like a sausage , miss probably won't see him. Naa ....!!
Bratea thought his idea would work out but miss j too smart for him . But he tried anyway.
Miss j did't see bratea since she was too busy cooking . Bratea eook a sausage from the plate wenever miss j wasn't looking . As midd j was cookinh she was singing a song then miss j heard a "BAA!" she turned around and saw brattea.
Miss j tured around and bratea
"these sausage are not cooked !" said bratea " i hate uncookede sausage!"
" yes i know that," said miss j " now go away until dinner please!"
So bratea went , but not for long ...
He waited until the sausage was cooked . Then bratea tiptoed to the sausages and took them. And ran up the neaness tree and climbed up.
Little that he knew that miss j had put those out for him to eat at dinner.
So wnen dinner came bratea had nothing good to eat onlt brid seed .but he learend two good lessons for today,
One : never eat before dinner.
Two: don't eat uncooked foods.
But don't worry he still loves to eat sausages!
The famous architect
Miss j was read ing an article in the newspaper as she was having her lunch.
This is the that miss j read :
" yeserday the famous architect mr . M .c noitall is going to his wedding today. The matrimony starts at 1:30 p.m. At city hall that he buit last year . All his friends envy him and new spouse. No one going knows that me. M.c noitall's beat man ( his boss) is not going to show up for the wedding because he got arrested for bigamy . On the same day of the wedding mr. Noitall's best is going to be prosecuted for the crime , but he escaped from the prison and now he is a fugitve from the law, and living abroad in a strange land.
Mr. M. C . Noitall is not going to squanded his saving on the wedding but .. He will squander it on the ring. The honymoon and his new wife. Mr. M.c noitall's new wife wasw a pauper before the wedding. Now she is one of the wealthiest ladies in town. It was a great calamity when the wedding cake collaped through the floor and into a meeting of the a.a . After the cake collapsed through the floor, everyone laughed, but not the guy who had made the cake. After the wedding mr. And mrs. Noitall packed their baggage and went on their honeymoom in b.c."
After reading the article miss j laughed out loud and said" i hope that never happens when i get married!"
A story about miss
Lorrine debbie nice
( miss j's cousin )
Miss lorrine debbie nice is one of a kind. That she never let her handicap stop her, in the things she likes to do best or love to do . Like take a trip to town to buy food. Then after that , she prepare supper for her friends. Or on some nights she type a letter to miss j about a splendid day she had standing on the platfofm of house watching the sun gaes down behind a wisps of clouds or shop at a department store ror lady's pocket book for her sisters " the cherry twins" but there's a flew things she don't like or to do : like taking a plane ride in the winter time, a wasp sting or complains and gripes form the poeple in the stands. When she tries to pitched the ball to the pitcher , when she plays baseball.
Ever day miss lorrine love to wear atie and clasp with her light red shirt and bow tie in her hair. And she like to go to a flat plateau and sings. When she sings , she sings like as sweet as sheep in a pasture on a sunny day. Then after that she goes inside and put water in a copper kettle for tea.
After she had tea, then she cleans the drapes, the window , napkin holder on the dinning room table and she cleans the copper kettle and her tea cup. Then in the afternoons miss lorrine go to a lettuce patch by her front gateway to pick some lettuce for her dinner.
Then in the eveings miss lorrine like to go to birthday parties and sprawl out her idas to her friends then she hops alongs with the music all night long.
And on sundays miss lorrine and her friends goes and worship in church and say a prayer to help her to over come her handicap and feel better to hershelf and to her friends.
That is some nice things about niss lorrine . That is way miss j always said to her frinds that miss lorrine is her beat cousin she ever have.
Some thing about
Bratea the yukon
It's an uneventful day down at the campground everyone was idle. They were just watching their favorite idols on tv.
But not bratea. He waqs watching commuters on the higway . Bratea had a bad habit of poking fun at the commuters on the highway . He goes out to the road and sticks out his tongue.
This took alot of valor to do.
Something else . For example ... Something he carries a canadan flag and sing our song. When he sees someone. He always says this patriotic quote which he got from his grandfather.
"i have but one body to give for my countey for dinner !"
But noone like to see bratea jesting around to every one he sees , you see ... It's very hard to confine the craziness in he . Because there is a vein of lunacy in his family.
There's always a dispute going on with eveyone whether to keep him or send him off to the " lunatic bin" .but he always wins thir heats by being a " wacth chickenv" over the campgoud at night . When they are away in town he watches over miss j's fertile plants , so the there can grow and produce scne food for the band.
But he is still a lunatic having fun with the real world and getting away with it.
Some things about y.a !
Ya is the most important man in the band he is the one that gives finance for the bands needs . And he schedules all the band evvents ( with some help from miss j) and obtail all the bands becords deals with his dad ( way? Beause his dad oewns two big becord business.).
All fine ya takes the whole band to the cinena to seee the band's videos on the wekends . Then when the band is feeling down in the dumps he alway try to elevate thier's hopes.
Miss j always likes ya he never discards any goo ides from the other ban's members . When the band have probems the band can relate it to miss j or ya that's why his position with the band was uague because he is most liked member in miss j's band other then miss j . But , he is not good at wining at lotteies , because he never can get a lucky numer to win with. That 's how the band can soar high in records sales ans with thier's fans.
Some small stories
Soiling spinch is spiffy.
The spokesman speaks about specil spinach.
There 's no space in spain for a specil spot for spooky houeses
But! There's alot of spacious space in spain for spinach.
Spotting sponsors in spain is a sport for the rich.
Bratea's shadow
It was a slow day at the campground ya was showing off to kate hes new bow and arrow. By a hollow log sat brate . He saw ya and kate haveing some tea.
Bratea went up to them and reached for ya's shadow. Ya turned his head and said ," why are you trying to steal something?"
"i lost my shaddow." said bratea turning his head to ya " and i want it back!'
" but , you got a shadow it's keeping low because of the weather."said kate
"why no go to the meadow it my be there." said ya as they wank back to their tea
When bretae got to the meadow he saw miss me eating a pear and a steak . So bratea crawlald like a bear to miss me and jumed at her with a great bi "BOO!" then bratea landed right by her.
Then miss me got up and said " you poor thing i got soming for you !" bratea got up and looked at miss me then he saw his shadow then he said out loud " you had my shadow!"
"don't be a silly goose" said miss me " it'sw noon time and your shadow came here to play with you."
Then bratea looked miss me right in the eye and said" it was looking for me ?"
" yes !" said miss me " noone took your shodow."
"this is good!" said " let's go down to the brook , just you and my and my shadow!"
The following stoey called "stake a claim with ya " is the only one i ready like that must whan i wtote this but was finch it and got it reast to be put in my book i fetlted that a cross that ling that was walking about but did't og far was you read it up to that i readly did pass that line or not but that i feel about this and is some ask me wich on that i ready don't like is this one...
"stake a claim with ya "
Art and ya went to stake a claim one sunny day . That took a trail to some unused land . As they walking ya look at his map and said " le's go over there!"
So they when they got there. There was a train line ya said " let's go this way" so they weny down the train line until they say a hay field . As they crossed the hay field thay saw a sign and the sign saying One way" so art and ya went the wat of the sign was pointing to!
As they were walking through the green grass they saw some sheep and over by some hat there was some cows. . Then a light breeze came and cool them off.
" mmmmmmm" said ya as they crossed the field and onto a road
" let's stake the clam over there." said ya
" ok !" groaned art ( by that time he was tired.)
" i holpe the clam is near home " so ya and art staked their claim but as they put up the last pole miss j came out of the bushes and said " is this some big hoax you are playing on me ?" then art said "no , but ya is playing one on me!" as he picked up the shovel and chased ya down the road yelling
" we did all this walking a round for nothing!"
The next 4 miss j and the am strip got published in the the moccasin telegraph(fed/17/87) and 3 for the them as Easter jokes that I done for them. The pace of my work was published in wordpower (the old the project news newsletter with a new name)
A day at the park
"it's a nice day down here at the park to be out " said miss j
"yes! There's a lot of ours friends ane haveing fun " said go .as they got out the car " look!" siad " there is the park keeper's girl friend feeding the blue jays some bird seed ".as they went down a path " let's go over to the banstand ." sais miss j
"let's do said go
And the did on the way over there they saw the o-mac family having a pinic by the trees with thir grandson and her niece. Miss o-mac's niece was wacthing the park keeper's girlfrind feeding the blue jays .
At the bandstand miss j said "let's go and get a drink of water from the water fountain . But went they got the water fountain a kid was useing it to quench his this so thet went over to the hot dog wagon for a pop , on the wat over , they saw the mayor reading the morring paper and acoss from him there was lot of wonderul flowes , when they got over to the hoydog wagan thet bought a pop and a hot got then they went to sit down on the grass to reast there's legs.
Then they saw the park keeper runing with his new homemade kite . He was tring to get up in the air . Ror and hour he tried and he tried to get the kite up the air but the kite didn't want to copporat with him . So he gived up and went over to help his girl friend to feed the brids . Then miss j an go sae kate and ya playing frizbee . So they went over to jion then . And all day long they had fun in the park with there's friends . Then they whet home..
the following i called the "missing stories" because there for one reasone of ather it didn't made in my books some who when i was making my books in the begin i aways have thing got bumped to the next book but as i mover aroud i never put them in so here ther the 1 time you can see then and the reosson( if any) why they got forgoten...
"missing stories 1# "
this follow was missed for one reson i just forgot to but it in and over time i lost some if it good thing that i can femeber if i didn't you only ready some of ....
the case of the missing "d"s
featuring rose and betty
then rose and betty is not working for miss j and the am doing the pr work they moonlight as detectives .
one day rose and betty got a call for the donut shop it look like some tooked his "D" from this sign. but befor thay and see the owner of the donut shop more phone calls came in any one who had a "D" in theres's sign was gone !
so rose and betty had figer out the only peson can help them with this case is miss j so rose and betty hop in the car and tooked off to miss j's.
on the way over they seen bretea pulling a wagan with a alot of "B"s and "Q"S [1]in it.
rose asked bratea if he have any one with lot lost "D"s.
"no i did not but you what a "B" for your sign just come and see me i made you goob deal on one" said bratea "ahhh yes i only "d"s i did was is at the letter shop , i got to go now - by!"
"yes , good- by if you see a lot of lost "d"s tell us ok" said rose
"i will" yelled bratea as he what down the street.
so rose and betty went back in the car and drove off to miss j's.
at miss j's ....
miss j was just finshing her lunch when miss rose and betty came,
"good day miss j we need your help." said rose as they sat down for some tea.
" yes " said miss j " i be glad to help you,,, so tell me what's you need help on ?"
"this case that we are working on " siad betty "someone had taked the letter "D" from the donut shop's and all other sign that have"d" to them this morrowing . we asked bretea if know and thing about it but
" i know he geting used "B"s for him and "Q"S for quiet ." said miss j as she put the dishes in the sink.
" do you know of anyne who do a thing like this and thet hindout is ?" said miss rose
"yes , i do kow of some ." said miss j a she put her caot om
"wee ... what we are waiting for ... let's go " sais betty
so they when off.
" where are we going to?" sias miss rose
" to the old dump ." said miss j
"why there miss j?" said betty as open a botter of pop.
" because that's where all the crooks hang out." said miss j
as they got on the old dump road they saw a funny looking man with a lot of the letter "D"S . but as they got closer the funny looking man
staerted to run , and run he did , to his car . and went dowm rhe road they went arter him! but!hafe way to town the funny man's car had ran out of gas. so he stoped the car got out with one "d" ( the one from the dounut shop) and liveinfg the rest of th "D"S in the back seat of his car. so miss rore stopped ther car and got out . then miss rose and miss j ran after the man living betty with
the man's car full of lost "D"S.
but the man ran to fast for them and there he as looking back to see if thet is still following him but as he turn is a ben to the road he didn't see bratea's wagon full of "B" S AND "Q"S . so the man ran into the it madeing him droped the "D" and knowing him out cold!
so rose , betty and miss j came .rose and betty cuffed him.
and miss j helped bratea in put all of this "B"S AND "Q"S in his wagon
aften rose and betty tooked the man to the cops and tooked the "D" back to the dount shop
the owner give them 48 dounut for they good deed
but befor thay went home thay gived miss j bratea 12 dounuts fot hepling them.
them the whet home!
"missing stories #2"
the next missing stores is one that made for my p.e.i story this story was made befor i started but it tooked my 14 years to write this stores was redone and mixed in the stores but here you can read the whole this befor i change and up dated it the story[2] of...
: at the race :
it was a nice afternoon and everyone was getting ready to go to the race trck to see the harness racing . it was miss j's first time at the race track to see harness racing . she knew little about
about it, so she took ya . he knew more about harness the miss j , because his dad raises the best race horses in town.
so as they went to the trck they took along quiet, may bratea ,miss go and miss me it was thier fist time at the races too. they knew less about harness racing then ya or miss j . they thought harness racing was the horse's harness with wheels on it went racing aruond the track.
but that were was not the only ones who were going to the races on that day.
some yukon collage's students were going to the tack for the fist time too . they bought their friends who knew alot more about the raceing then thay.
meanwhile at ticket booth at the race track, miss j asked the man in the booth, " how far do these horses run around the track?"
" about 1.5 miles , that is twice around the tack ." answered back the man in the ticket booth as he gave miss j her tickets " the farthest a horse ever went around the trak was theee time that was only during the warm- ups."
so miss j went to find the best place to sit down and see the race. laving ya and the others at the worst place, by the betting booth . as they were standing there , quiet turned to ya and said " i'm going over to the hot dog stand to get us some hot dogs ." then may said to quiet "i'm going with you, because it's much better then standing over there then here."
as quiet and may went to the hot dog stand , miss go turned to ya and said " i'm going to make a bat on the first race, but how much can i bet?"
" the most you can bet is ten dollare and you can not bet lessthan two dollar." said ya .as he dug out some of his money from his coat pocket " here put in a bet for me too will you?"
miss go went to the fourth line - up . at the line - up . she met some students from the yukon and at the far end of that line - up was miss j. she had just bought herself a racing program ( that is a book what tells you who will be running in the races.) she was making a bet on the first race. she was betting on the best- liked horse and driver in the book.
when she bumped into me. i was betting on the least liked hose and driver in the race ( why ? - because i think the under dog always wins ...well somethimes.)
" well! hi arthur !" she, said" you are looking better then quiet today."
" thank you miss j you don't look bad yourself" i said
"i see some of the yukon collag's students are with you today ," said miss j
"yes , i see all of your band are with you." i said as we moved farther on down the line.
"no , most of then are stell eating . but they will be here soon. " said miss j
at the other end of the hallway by the hot dog stand quiet was talking to bratea " your hot hot is not worse than mine just because you dropped in on the ground ." said quiet to bratea.
" yes it is !!" yelled bratea as he ran to the farthest garbage can at the trck and jumped in it " that hog dog bit me!"
as you see i never did fish it this stioy like most the i wrote was part of my shool wofk that way here you see some of the words are in bold it was a lasson in far and farthest on so on but worry you did all read read the ending of this stoiy it took me 14 yers but hey this how i do things!
"missing stories 3# "
this lost story is a plot for one of my strips that is one the my strips that in comic book foam this all started when some of my frined in penticton b.c[3] that was trying to frind a job in town .
to make a long story no one want to hier me so feeling bad and knowing that i do cartoon pay for my to that class in cartooning
by the famost cartoonest that live there and draw in comci books and still i for his name will any this class look ed a old padderwheeler in town it wasa good class and at the and he ask us to make a sample plot about my cartoon charcter and the kid (who i for got his name too) charcter call " pepsi man" yes i know if any from pepsi plase don't sue me over the nane and look of this " charcter but if you a super hero for your ad .. just ask me or the kid if he is still drawing this strips ! well any on teach ask use to do one by the next class know me i got this wong i done a whole stirp insand but as the others students draw the stip i wrote the plot in other word s i doing the whole ing backwords but i pass any way and all this cartoonest like my work and tell to put bens in my charcters and just love my works in 3-d so they is the plot of the folowing story called
super yt in "not another sidekick"
or " i'm not hinding anyone
at the point in time!"
panel 1: page 1
the title for the story
panel 2:
super yt walking acoss the campcround
panel 3:
super yt is walking passed the man's outhouse
super thinking in himself " what's a nice day to be out!"
panel 4:
then someone jumped out behind the outhouse and yelled " hey surer yt!"
and thing time super yt was himself "oh!"
panel 5:
this someone said his name out lound "my name is ...pepsi man!"
panel 6:
pepsi ask super yt the following" i want to be your sidekick!"
and super yt anwer by " yeh ! so.. big wowness!"
panel 7: page 2
then the pepsi man siad " and here my powres..."
panel 8:
as pepsi man go bah ,bah ect..
super yt thinks to himself "oh boy!
panel 8.5:
so time passed
super yt's lags cove cab wabs
panel 9:
then pepsi man " can i be your sidekick?"
and super thinks to himself "oh boy !
panel 10:
super yt yells to pepsi man "no!"
then pepsi yelled back " what!"
panel 11:
pepsi think to him self " i gussed have to do this then!"
panel 12:
pepsi got on his needs and bagged "plase may i!"
panel 13:
then super walks away from saying" no go away will you!"
laveing pepsi thinking to himself "then i'll fix him then.."
panel 14:
papsi still think to himself ".. by hand !" as he call super yt back "oh mr. supet yo you dropped soming!"
panel 15:
super stopped and said "oh like what - oh!" as pepsi swig at him and yelled "take this!"
panel 16:
super yt duck in time and the backgruond bratea walked by with a can of coke
panel 17:
pepsi man hit a tree and snap it two with a chash and yellin painm "eeeyow!"
super look at pepsi man and smiled and him
panel 18: the last panel of the story
the pepsi look in pian had his hand big
and super yt is sitting on a box of coke talking to the yukon raven (miss j )super yt said to her " everyer i get some super what - a - bees whating to be my sidekcik so then can get work . then lever here to thier own comic book !
"missing stories 4# "
the following little story is not readly missing one but a story by the tpy it out then draw the picther that going with it tured into a one panel joke will amost a joke this was my 2ed story i wrote on the camtper ( the 1th was who s snow !) but this story allso this time time cut and the word in to one of my jokes as you call so far this book have all every thing than i tpy in last 15 year or more and aslo this story in ather windo to the like miss j and the am so the the story called....
the letter
" so i see there's somting in my lucnh, mmmmmmmmmmmm ! it look like a note! yes ! anote and it's says .........
go to the store after you hve this lunch and get some more bread! (this was printed in big letters.)." and my sis knows i'm going to town after i have my lucnh , and my sisw aloso knows i'm always forgetting thing so ! i guess my sister wanted me to read this letter antwaY!
now you see why put it here and by the way it was quiet that was reading that litter.
[1].for quiet!
[2].that you read in arthur capher
[3].in 1997
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