|  |
At 2:27 pm we headed up the white pass. Because someone told it was a better route to go on that pass and theirs no big hills to worry about"
.boy! That was a lot of things they had to carry,ö said may.ôyes it's was. Said quiet i'm glad we don't have do that anymore as he started on his 2nd hot dog and mr. Jay read on.
We had made it to lake bennett, just in time to join in the ship building. As we stoped and parked, every one looked in awe at our stream power shed, that almost looked like a paddlerwheeler on skis. We found seemore and bob with not much wood to make a boat because everyone for miles and miles had cut down all useable wood . Seemore and bob were glad to see us and the s.s jay. We quickly turned the shed back to the s.s jay. It was the only paddlewheel that went over the white pass or any pass that we know about in that time.
May /21/1899
After months of waiting for the ice to crack open, at 10:13 am the ice cracked open . Us and about 7000 others put their boats in the water and followed the ice to dawson.
We have a lot of wood so we took the lead, but we hit some rapids that led us into a canyon. Before we did anything, the rapids got bad and we and the boat were in danger .by some odd luck and strong boating skills we shot those rapids at full speed. We only stoped at the end of the rapids to look over our boat and do some small repairs on its hull. There we found that out the we had shot thought the miles canyon and the whitehorse rapids . We were among the few that passed the most dangerous rapids of the whole yukon.
May /26/1899
We landed at lake leberge and passed on through .then we shot through a less dangerous rapids calledö the 5 finger rapidsö. Day by day on the way up to dawson, jennifer (a.b), had become more and more like a woman . She sound and sung like one. Unless you knew him like i did, you would never know that she was a man at one time. Jenffer had now became a lady. Someone she always dreamed of being.
May/ 31/1899
At 10:41 am we neared dawson, but we did not go there. Instead we headed up the klondike river to a small little gulch called quigley creek, just 5 miles up. It was a quiet little creek with no one there .we stoped there and unpacked the boat. Then we took the things in land to set up camp. My two brothers started to look around for a good place to mine. I tooked jennifer to town in one of our lifeboats to the. We can record our claim and try to get jennifer a job as one of the dance hall girls in dawson. So i went to the mining office to file our claim under my name mr. Quigley. A. Jayfriend. Then i went to a store to buy a newspaper. Boy, there are a lot people in this small town and all of them are looking for the same thing, gold !. . Then, i went back to camp"
Look another ad "said mr. .jay then he show the following ad and kept on reading
Sam's mining store we just got some of those new dry placer power machine for gold claim it will make. " a ton of sand to a ton for gold for the taking" or your monies back . And when are out there. Don't freeze to death on your claim ! Buy and wear our under wears now in stock for the long cold winter that is coming soon . We sell the best trail maps and gold maps to the following creeks:
Bear creek, hunker creek, dominion creekrock creek musquito gulch , not much gold creekbonanza creek, eldorado and little eldorado creekslost chane creek ,quartz creek, quinn creek at $ 50.00 a map !
We were working on the to the hill at the end of the gulch we a hole .we had dug this hole dug 4 feet wide by 8 feet deep in and we found some gold to send home to keep out dad happy .so he send up some more food for the winter. Jennifer was in town. Soon i got bored, so they sent me off to town with the gold to sent back to dad. After doing that.i stopped .at a bar called ô the j ô and the .i found jennifer .she was working there as a barmaid. She was very happy at her new job. She showed me the owners and the people that are working there .the owners names was luella and miss j jay and their cousin art yukon. Thier helpers . Their was two of then ,one name art stacey the bartender a the other calls dan love the piano player. After a few hour talking to them in fout out that thay was nice and open-minded. Just like jennifer and me. So i asked them for to drop by our mine at quigley creek gulch. Tomorrow and they said ôyes!
June /2/1899
To day my new friends came over to the camp. We had coffee and cake. Then i showed the s.s jay .then off to our mine at the hill. I got my camera out for some pictures ( i been doing this since when we left vancouver. So i have some reminder of all of this with my words when i get old). When we got close to mine i smelled coffee my bothers we takeing brack .then we hear a loud noise. The loudest noise that i ever hareded all of my life it sounded like 100 lighting storms at the same time. Then we saw it. We looked up saw this big box. This big box had landed in our hole .we looked and waited for some time. The corner of is big box was sunk in ourhole slowly sinking deeper and deeper in ô it's one of those new things called a dredge ôsaid seemore ôi saw a picture of one in the newspaper from the californiaæs gold rush.öthen we head voice crying out from it. Ôsome one please help us!ö.so we moved in slowly toward to the thing and opened a door and when in. It's had 4 people in it. Before we asked any questions a man yelled to us to save them.ôyour planet is eating up our ship and we donæt have enough power to beak freeö the man yelled at us .we didnæt know what to make of all of this. All we knew that we are sinking and fast .so jennifer ran over and pick up one of the kids and j. Jay picked up the otherone the rest of us helped them out the door .we just made it out. When the thing sink out of our view and deep in the hole. So we waited for a cash but no! It hit water!ô thereæs is a underground lake down thereö said bob. So we went and got our ropes and claimed down . Luckily we had a lot of ropes from the s.s jay. This and our mineræs lamps. We slowly lowered each of us down the hole. I was the last one to go down there. When i got down there it feel like was are in the middle (even lower) of the hill. That thing was sitting in the middle of an ungrounded lake. All over the walls there were gold nuggets, crystals, garnets of many colors, onyx, sapphires, diamonds, amethyst, aquamarines, alexandrines, rudy of many colors, peridox, zircons, topaz, lead, copper, tin and so on. There are so many different typs of wonderful rocks here. Right there all for us made a pack. Ôwe only take what we need and leave the reas for our children and thiers's children's and so noone will never had work again .and we will tell no one about this. This's our little mother lode of all mother loads there are the word .ö then seemore put his hand in the water and out a clam and open ô pearls too!ö he yelled to all of usthen one of theö newcomersö said to all for the following,ô hi. My nane is king yt and my queen ty and my son yt and his sister zed. We came from a far away place. Where our world is no longer existd because our enemies from the planet next to us. Made war on us.there killed everone but us we are the last of my race .we landed here to hide from the last of our enemies that want what to kill us just for the sport of it. This is one of our last s hips that didnæt got blown up it's a old dredging ship, we means no harm anyone here and if you believe in us. We will to keep your little secret and not tell anyone .this it all we asked is to keep us from our enemies. If they follow us here. Can you help us as we helped you? It's a dealö i said ô and we'll are friends to the end
Yes, friend ôsaid king yt ô yes we are all friends here, friendship will help us through the high's and the lows ô said jennifer yes we will be too. Said luella and j jay ô we all reall very rich becasues of y.a's cliam at qninn creek and for our mom. So we donæt care much for it . W e are here friendswe had frond it. Here in the klondike thatæs is our gold because where we are . We had to level our old home down south becsaues a verey bad mad had killed ou mothe and if you herd of the name of dummà..
" oh no !" cried out mr. Jay "grandmother that name!"then thay started to cry."don't read that name just go on with the story " said mr .jay's wifeso with a tear in his eyes he read on
June /7/1899
It took us a few days to load some of the gold the boat . A whole big boatloed for gold to keep our dad happy for a very long time. Seemore and bob took off at 3:34 pm and they took the long way home though alaska and down to vancouver bc
At 3:36 pm we headed to town to show our new friends our world. As we show them around .we bought the best things that dawson had in their stores, then we headed home to have the greatest dinner party,that i ever hosted for my friends
Now we can just sit back and enjoy life and have no worries to worry about like everyone eslse at their claims in the klondike. Miss luella, miss j . Jay , art and dan went back to town to work at thier bar in the morning. At night they come back here. They have done this every day now. All i do now is sit back and read all the newspaper. That we bring there from town every day like the klondike grubstakes and fine in newspapers that i read to the to king and his small how to live here. Today i came across something newspaper that reminds my friend and me the danger that is out there. It tell us to keep our eyes open for schemer and thereæs schemes and. I guote the followingôkeep you eyes on them!öôthere are schemes and scammers, but in the klondike's schemes schemers are to schemer. All good schemes too- to be let bet alone donæt "get shamed out of your money!" and beware of the best ones the in daswsonare better then soupy smith's gang . Thery names are dr . Y a .deadasy and this son mr. G. R deadeasy we think they are from the queen city usa from the south" . That i hope that ever see these two here or meet up with. King yt was talking about the last few days
June /10/1899
To day it was raining. T was raining a lot all day. At 4:51 pm luella and the rest came in wet, really wet, something was wrong. When luella talked she sounded. Like they were running all the way here ôlook at this! "siad luella handed king yt a calingl card. It said the following ôhello our name is dr .y. A deadeasy and my son mr. G. R deadeasy .we came to kill our king and his family and any one who hides them from us. If you donæt, then we will kill everyone or anything to get to the king and this family. I f you don't give them to us then we blow this so-called rock your called "earth!". You haven't must time. We had followed you here and are to really to battle to the end.ô then king yt yelled to miss j jayô here! , take the kids out the back door. Run deep in the hill and hide them!öso she did, then king yt the yelled to the rest of us to say in the house, as" i went out to deal with-" ôno!, we coming out with you to help you. Thatæs what friends do ô. We all saidôoh.ö he said ô we better make up a -" then boom! Our roof just got blown off. Then more booms and the walls were gone! Then we saw them with long pink glowing rods.ö give them to us or we kill you all ôsaid dr deadeasyö no! We will never give them up to you evil man ô. Said jennifer. Ôis that so! Ôsaid dr. Deadeasy ô then, take some of this!ö then a bolt of light came out of the rod and hit jennifer right between the legs, jennifer fell down. Then queen ty come running up to her and said ô here let me heal you ô as the queen ty was almost finished healing jennifer. Dr deadaesy said, ô no, you wonæt if you keep on healing her, you will be the 1st one to die!ö . But the queen ty. Just kept on healing. Went she almost finished dr. Deadeasy used his rod again. Before we could warn her, she dies right in the light of that rod and turn into dust ô that's it! You murdering so and so, you killed my wife!ö yelled the king yt. In a mad voice as. He took out coat his glowing red rod. He hit them with and ôboom!ö . Once and the wind had died down. Dr. Deadeasy and his son were still standing there. But all the trees that were around them. Were blown away for miles and miles as far as your eyes can see. Then luella drew her gun and said, ô here!, have one of these!ö befor she can fire her gun, she was turned to dust and the only left thing was her gun. But j. Jay has seew what has happened to her sister, as she came to join us. Ôno!ö yelled miss j jay. Then she got mad .so mad, she started to run over to them avioding the lights os their rods . As she got close to them, before they can do anything to her. She gave the both of then tow very fast kicks. One at dr. Deadeasy and the other one to his son. She hit them so hard ,she had knocked them into the river." next time, i will kill all of you it could be me copming or my son or both of us. So beware," yelled dr. Deadeady as the river took them away from us.
June /14 / 1899at 1:52 pm jennifer woke up. She asked what had happened .so i told her in a sad voice what has happen to our fallen friends. I tolded here that the other went to town for the day and i had to get some wood for the fire . When i came back with more wood for the fire jennifer told me" look, there is something strange is happening to me. I am changing "" changing?" i asked her "yes!" jennifer "my bust is growing bigger and inside i feel different like i had turned to a real woman. Look at hips, hands and so on . Yes! I am me, thanks for the queen ty. But too bad she is not here so i can thank her. I am not a man with the name of a.b anymore. I am jennifer jay a real woman!" yelled jennifer in a joyful voice. At 2:03 pm jennifer proudly cooked a lunch for everone .then she cooked dinned. She was finally happy. She had found out who she is really a woman, after dinner, jennifer asked the other ladies to take her out shopping for some new dresses and so on (by this time she had became a full figure woman that really needed new dresses ). The ladies said yes, and they told me they be back tomorrow.
June/15 1899 life is easy for all of us. When we needed some cash. We just pick up some gold and take it to town. As the other miners worked they thought that we all worked on some elseæs mine that got rich. But oddly no one even cares that we are getting the big nugglts in to town. Oh, boy! If they only knew.
July /4/1899
The s.s jay came full of food and other great things to bring our mine up to date a new captain mr.c. Go. Mr go handed me a note saying that bob and seemore age having so much fun with their gold. They would like to come back but our dad had struck oil on our fram. So we hired mr. C. Go to take over to take the gold to our dad,. And not to worry but to bring things back. .he needed the money for his sick daughter .we told him to live on the boat and do this job. So i asked him to be a part of the team and not tell anyone about this.he said "yes, i am here only to work until my daughter gets well or maybe a little longer if you let me. Besides, if i told any one about this, do you think they wound believed in me? No, i don't think so." we made a deal and showed him our mine.
July /11/ 1899
We loaded up the boat again ,this time more then before (some of it was in paidment for mr. Go's work). When the boat was all loaded up,we said good-by to mr. C .go and told him when he comes back in the spring. At 1:31 pm.we watch the s.s jay going up the river on the way back home. Now we have a lot food. So much it last us about 5 winters. But even so, back in my mind i just can't stop thinking about the next time we'll see that evil dr. Deadeasy and his son again
August /7/ 1899
Jennifer asked me to help her to write a letter to her family telling them that ôa.bö was gone. So she can be free from them forever. So we did. In the letter we told them that a.b was killed in an avalanche saving a kidat nome alaska on the valdez glacier .all that he had was $400.00 to send back to them. Soon we finsh the lettler and took the eitter into town to mail it. Now jennifer is free from them and be can her self.
It was very cold day -75b below. So we stayed inside and enjoyed an all day card game that jennifer won at midnight december/25/1899
We all have a wonderful time. We were showing king yt and his children the joy of giving on this holiday .he told us that they have the same holiday but little different ,the only differece is .thay have godness and his daughter named christ . they do the same things on her birthday as we do but war have taken that away from them .this war still goes even to day over this young goddnes by the next plante next us that belave in evil and want to get raid of this goodness befor it hit there plante. That why we fee our world to keep what we beleve a life and free from evli like dr. Deadeasy and his son. Then miss j jay art and dan come with their gifts for us. We had a merry old time sing alond and .i read the story of the birth of christ (luke 2:1 to 2:20).then we opened our gifts. I gave jennifer an oval shape glasses made from gold that she needed so badly and the best dress in dawson ,a gold watch and chain had made from our own gold. Then i open the gift from jennifer. It was some ink and a new book then i can use foe my diary. All gifts were all open .we sat down to the greatest dinner thet i every had in my life . It was good!
December /31/1899
A day before the new year we planed for tomorrow. We will going to ring the year and a new century!
Jen /1.1900
Happy new year!
It took us a week to get over our hang over and a cold. In the afternoon miss j jay came up to me and asked me to go out on the town that night (we been doing this for the last six mouths now) and i said "sure!". So we did .at the end if our date. I asked for her hand in marriage and miss j jay said, ôyes i willö. Then i giave her ring and set the date for
feb/7/ 1900
On her birthday.jen/8/1900 we told everyone about the news and every one was happy for us. Jennifer told me that day she some day that she wants someone just like me because it's so hard to find a husdand that good friend like you
Fed./6 / 1900
Jennifer was getting ready to be the maid of honor .she always wanted to be one and now she is. This was making her verey happy and proud to by a women and my best friend
Today was the big day. It was the finest wedding / birthday party ever.king yt was my best men. Something that he wanted to bo because where he came from they do it differently . Jennifer was the maid of honor .we didn't i have an organ for the prelude. So we hummed it and the processional. Then we have the affirmation of families and friends . . Then we have presentation .then the we read the scripture from the book of genesis and from the 13th chepter epistle of the corinthians.then we said our vows to each other and it we like this"
We live the laughter through the happy time and though the tears and the pain of the bad times .we never will turn our back on each others .we hope that our love will live in us and in our children to come for the many years to come.
Then we both said, "i do!" then we exchanger our rings and sealed the marrige with a kiss that i think all most lasted a whole hourö. Then the bride and groom were presented to the audience as mr.jay and mrs. Jay
Then mr. Jay stopped. Then said "look another ad this time for the stages line dawson to whitehorse here take a look" .so mr. Jay hand e it to the others to look at it. It's looked like the following.the time table of
sam's stages of the winter of 1900 are asfollows.dawson to whitehorse isat 10:15 am mon. To fri.and on sun and sat is at 10:17 am and holidays at 10:18 am and to whitehorse to dawson isat 10:40 am mon. To fri.and on sun and sat is at 10:43 am and holidays at 10:44 am and don't forget the best way to take your gold back to home is to use the official klondike steamer co. The jayfriend steamer co.wow! ,cool!, said quiet this is neat!, it just like going back in time " as he ate his 20th hot dog and 7th can of pop.