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cast mener one
Full name: Miss Jennifer R Jay #7
Age: 36 in the start of this stoiy she is 7 year old
Sex: F
W: 350 H: 6 feet in the start of this stoiy she is W:121 H :4 feet
Mother: Jennifer .R. Jay #6
Farther: Mr. A. Jay (friend)
Sister: Miss R. J Jay #7
Sister: Miss Jenny Jay
Brother: Dr. Quiet Q Jay
as in the story you learn about Miss Js Disorder and you will learn more detiles.
It is a Hereditary Disorder that run in the family but old thing is only one set of the twins its had it for 7 generation of Mss Js family . When Mss J had her twin both got the Genetic Hereditary Disorder called:
Far as we now its a Genetic Hereditary Disorder for woman only,
1 of 10000000000000000000000000000 women has this (Evan rare in twins)
The pituatary gland regulates all hormone to the baby from day one with larger amounts of estrogen, somatotropin (a growth-stimulating hormone) and no progesterone, (a male sex hormone) so thay continue puberty though life. Causing the breast to grow larger and larger to giant size .
Part of this gland is not workingto the groth stop and never will and follow the pectoraris major (muscle), Glandular tissue ,fascia pectorals, Coopers ligaments, areola, Montgomerys glands, milk ducts Lymph nodes, Montgomery tubercles and lot of alveolus, , areola and larger then normal nipples.
During pregnancy of 1st trimester .Her breast in-between 6-8 weeks, breast growth got even larger.
And continue to grow in size and weight throughout the first trimester. And breasts may be super sensitive to any touch. And the milk becomes super rich in nutrients.
Diet or mastectomy cant stop this growth.To make this worst .it will grow contine to the size it was in fast amout of time then they even bigger that ever be for
So it will become like a handicup.It looks but try to do every day thing is difficut so she weaer a special bra that her mother made her bra all thought her life Miss J s sister took over make them for her and other things to her to whare.
Doorways and thngs other had to made larger (like her car)
just to move around and to continue exerciseing the back muscular system to keep the weight of the beast from turning her into hunchbake of life.
Note: any one who has this Disorder cant give blood to any who have GYNECOMASTIA[1] or GIGANTOMASTIA if you got Disorder( men or women) ther beast grow all most over night to gint size just like her lover.
Now you see to Miss J this Disorder A course, a blessing, a Hadcap for. Miss J but dont feel sorry for her. you will find out why on gone story about her.
bith place Anne Like Yukon
MissJs and Miss R zodiac signs is Aquarius (weter bearer) birthstons and flowers is Amethyst (sincerity) and Violet or Primrose
Cast mender number 2
name: Jen
real Full name: Art (no one care about his lest name)
Sex:M (but in this stoiy you find out he a transgenderd mene in see blow)
W: 60 H: 4 feet
this name flamy ? we real dont all we mom dad sister. brother
Birn blace Vancouver B.C
in this stoiy and meny to come you learn for Jens many Disorder like gynecomastia that turn in to gigantomastia, his gender ldentity (been A transgenderd ),painc Disorder,
art zodiac signs is liba ( baiance) birthstons and flowers is Opal or Tourmaline (hope) Calendula of Cosmos
Cast mender number 3
Full name: Miss R. J. Jay #7
Age: 7
Sex: F
W: 75 H: feet
Mother: Jennifer .R. Jay #6
Farther: Mr. A. Jay
Sister: Jennifer R Jay #7 Age: 7
Sister: Miss Jenny Jay Age: 2
Brother:Quiet Q Jay Age: 5
bith place Anne Like Yukon
over the those stois you finfd out Miss Rs gigantomastia[2] Disorder not as bad as her sister but close to it
MissJs and miss r zodiac signs is Aquarius(weter bearer) birthstons and flowers is Amethyst (sincerity) and Violet or Primrose
Cast mender number 4
Full name: Quiet Q Jay
Age: 5
sex: m
I.Q 230
Mother: Jennifer .R. Jay #6
Farther: Mr. A. Jay
Sister: Jennifer R Jay #7 Age: 7
Miss R. J. Jay #7Age: 7
Sister: Miss Jenny Jay Age: 2
Quiet loves the letter Q.
Cast mender number 5
name: YA his real full name is unknow at this time.
Age: 10
sex: m
Farther: Mr YA his real full name is unknow at this time too.
Mother: unknow at this time
Ya is a one of many cousins that Miss J , Miss R and Quiet YA good friend too. YA is and his dad all way help out the Jays and have the same dislike to unlce Seemore.
Cast mender number 6
Miss Go Friendly
Age: 9
sex: F
Miss Go is a ture tomboy
Cast mender number 7
May Qunn
[1] GYNECOMASTIA gy·ne·co·mas·ti·a [gYkMmásteeY] noun:
Enlargement of a man s boys breasts: Enlarged breasts on a man caused by hormone ALIMBALANCE or hormone therapy
[2] GIGANTOMASTIA (ji-ganto-maste-a) (giganto + G. mastos, a breast +ia) massive hypertrophy (general increase in bulk of a part or an organ not due to tumor formation (of the breast