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" when i got to the botton of the cliff, she was lying there in a hole, dead. Then i put some of my pages in my waterproof coat the laid it in her the arms. Then i covered her with some dead trees . Then before i went back to jion the rest i looked up and saw that evil man's kid jumping off the robot the i hard my other friend yells in pain as he and the robot came slidding right to me the evil man said" you are dead now!" to me . Then the fobot hit a bigrock . Then it comes to stop . And the evil man fellin a hole in the glacier . The robot stopped dead . Then it was guiet,
But for how long! "
"there you " said the golen ram " now to start you up, then i will take you somewhere to fix you up . Then i will all of them for what they did to me and my dad!" then the golden fam turns it on. It slowly sat up, stood up then walked away leaving a big hole behing . There was someone left in the wall. He opened his eyes and smiled. Then he sais " i am free now, at last i can finish my job with my som ." then he started to climb the mountain to the top..
Prologue two , 50
years later a week
September /19/2000
One fall morning on september /19/2000
Art was at the whitehorse airport. He was sending his friend off to much- needed vacation.
" no i don't want to go art." said bretea.
"yes you will go . You have miss me coming with you, so what is wrong with that ?" sais art
" last night i had a bad dream . When, i came back here you were gone!" sais bratea
"is that so ?" said art " here this is poof that . I am never going far from you , my freind".
"what is that?" asked bratea
"my grandan's gold " said art " it bought him good luck through the bad times and helped me too. So i want you to have this until you come back.just don't lose it of sell it."
"i won't" said bretea " i won't do that, only on quiet . Never to you my friend! As he went though the gate one with miss me " good -by!"
Art stood at the window and waved back " good dy and enjoy" he said then art watched the plane take off from the coffee shop . The he went to wolf creek campground in his camper. On the way, over he picked up miss r when they got there they went to the cookhuse no 1#. They got there in time for the big meeting with the rest of the band miss j's dad was going to speak as art sat down.
"i see that every one is here and accounted for. "said mr.jay " miss .r jay .miss .j jay .betty love. She is sitting in for dan and his sister . They are doing some pr work for the next miss j and am cd.
Art .s, mr. Y a and this family are there without kate and william . There are at home with that cold that is going around. Next is mom and grandmom, jenffer jay , quiet juigley jay and may quienn, ok! To day we are going to annie like to have a barbecue at old shangri-la mines. Why? It's the shangri-la mine's 80th year of operating at annie lake . Half has been closed for 50 years and the other half is open at quigley creek at dawson . That is still going after a 100 or more years . So let's get out, grab our barbecue's and hot dog , chips ans so on, then meeet at the bus."
So they got the things that you need for a barbecue and soon they were all on the bus heading to annie lake . Soon they were at annie lake . They got off at the bithplace of miss r. Jay and her twin sister miss j . Jay . When everyone was out, mr. Jay said that last winter a snow side cosed the path to the mine so we are gong to take the back road to the mine.
"don't worry it's mush shorter then the last time we went up there. I haven't been on this road to the mine in 50 years" sais mr.jay
"50 years!" said quiet " how can you can find ! It must be covered over by trees and grass by noe!"
" yes , it quiet my son!" said jay " just don't worry, i still have the map and soon we'll be there"
So everyone started to follow mr. Jay in to the bush . Soon, we were on the road th the mine . On the way, up all of us can see for miles ans miles , right to the white pass railroad and the road to carcos, and what ia left of a town called robinson. We went highter and hight around and around the mountain . Soon mr. Jay stopped and said ,"look! There is your granddad's truck just the way i left it back in 1950."
"why, did you leave it there?" asked miss r jay as she ,pufffed up the road.
"it was night and there was an iron thing blocking the way " said mr.jay " are you ok miss r?"
" yes , i'm just a little out of wind " said miss r , jay
As they got closer to the truck mr.jay yelled "hey look! That iorn thing is gone!"
"gone ?" asked miss j " what wat it?"
" i really don't know!" said mr. Jay " all i know is the iron thing was blocking the way and it was big!"
" yes and someone had just moved it not long age. I say about a week ago " sais may
"yes. It has been . I'll phone up super yt and his sister to bring something so we can cross this big hole and bring the truck to the top." said mr.jay as took out his cell phone and started pressing the phone numbers for super yt as mr. Jay was phoning super yt . Miss j looked down , then she yelled," look! ,ther is two skeletons down there!"
"yes!" said art as he looked at them " i saw some blankets in the truck , let's get them it could be someone we may know".
So they did as they went to the frist skeleton , it looked it was crushed by something heavy. So they put it in one of the blankets and took it up to the truck and lat in in the back then they went over to the other skeleton. It looked like it was holding some papers that were wrapped up in something that was one time was waterploof rain coat.
Theyput the other skeletons in the another glanket and put it in the truck by the other one . At the same time super yt and his siser zed lady had brought one log that had been cut in two for us and the truck to go on. After super yt pushed the truck to the other side, he looked down at his feet because he had an uneasy feeing about this. We better not have a barbecue here at the mine . Then he spotted another skeleton behind miss j's mom he and sister went to look at it and brought it down to join the other two. Then they heard the other yell at the top of theit voices "no !it's our dad the king !" they were both both crying as they bought it down and put in the back of the truck.
"is that is your dad?" sais miss j
"yes, this bad,very bad. We must get to the top and forget this barbecue and phone for a helicopter to take all of us away bfor it is too late!" said super yt .a last , we are on top of the mine . Mr.jay tried his cell phone to call for help, but some reason it was dead .he just put a new battery in . Then super yt used his and the same thing happened. Everyone who had a cell phone tried and got . Yje same thing they were all, but why?
"we've got to do something !" said quiet
" we stay here! It lookrd it our destiny to be here." said mr. Jay and super yt asked him.
But why , of all of us did only my sister and i know? But we were told," said super yt
" this skeleleton is wearing a dress, but it is a man 4!" said miss j. Then miss j took what was in the skeleton's arm .i'll be ..... It's .... " yelled miss j.
"what miss j ! Want ! , oh what ! Said ,jay.
"yes it is "said mr.jay. " let me read this, and get out the pop and the hot dogs. So we can have our barbecue. As i read this we will find out why we are all here to day"
So mr. Jay stsrted to read the pages this way ....