" oh things are starting to come in view " said miss j."yes! " said mr .jay "now we know,who is the skeleton with the dress is really is. And i,m sorry.that i called it man . It seem that our granddad have the same open mind that i do. That why is me so much like me, it seems to fun in our family too."why is that?" asked quiet."to be open minded about other people for there lifestyles "said mr. Jay." oh! I see now " said quiet as he started his 21th hot dog!but meanwhile a big iron thing started to climb to the other side of the mountain and at the same time on the other side. Someone else is climbing too at a very fast rate .so fast that we have to ash how how soon they be on the top?meanwhile back on top mr. Jay started to read more of the pages. It started out this way;
December /31/ 1918
Mrs. J .jay had just came from the doctor. She told me she is having a baby .now she and i know why she was gainind so mush weight in the last mouth .she told me she going to give the bar to be a mother and let art and dan run it
The new year came.at the party we told everyone that my wife is going to have a baby. And everyone was happy . Jennifer asked if .she could be the midwife she been reading books about and what to try it out i said " yes you may" and she was happy just like my wife.
I just receiveda ford car right from mr. Ford himself .the car he sent me was the best model there was .i was so new it was a prototype of the model "j" car that he said this carcan run very well in the cold yukon winter
I was -40 below and the car wouldn't start i was ready to send it back. When king yt came up to me and told me. He can remake the car in to a far better one then mr. Ford had made. With some extra old parts from his ship." this car can do things. That any other cars can't ever do."for a long time "he said, " i wanted to give a gift to you, your new baby,and to your wife."i said "yes " to the king yt. Then he told me. That he need place safe from prying eyes of our neighbors to put it the car togother to run and test it to see if it works the way he wanted it to be .so he ask me if i had any ideas to go and do this." i said "no. May by i throw a dart on that map of the yukon that .i have hanging on the far wall and see where it landed ther ewe take to car too." . The king said, "yes do it"so i did. The dart had landed on a mountain by a lake call annie lake not far from robinson a stop over white pass railroad line .so we left dan to look after the claim and the bar. Then we took the s. S jay to whitehorse the took the train to robinson. There we headed to annie lake by the mountaiin to set up camp
Fed /6/1919
We got to anne lake just before where we set up the camp and then get readly to go up thr mountain tomrrow soon as the day bracks
Fed /7/1919
At 2:50 pm j. Jay asks jennifer help her to lay down because she was in too much pain. The some time passed. Then at 2:59 pm
She gave birth with the help of jennifer as the midwife.
At 3:05 pm jennifer came out and said to me "thank you for helping me .now i feel that i am a whole women when i helped in the delery of your new twin girls may i asked for one thing for return"
"what is that? "i asked
"to name one after me jennifer " said jennifer
Yes ,i will my dear friend .because you have done so much for me and the rest one will be call jennifer,"i said
So my wife and me name the girls the following name
Miss allison lynn jay #6
Miss jennifer .r. Jay #6
Feb /10/1919
Ms. J jay stayed in the tent with jennifer. Yt and zed abd art. Yukon, art. S king yt and me went up the mount .we put the car on skies and pulling it up with 3 dog loads of tools and others . That king yt had bruoght with him to remake it to a greatest car ever made, some food came and our gun just in case we meet any wolves up there.
"look!" said mr. Jay the a list of part that king yt had broght from his ship to fix the car
and the list went like tihs:
We got on the top of the mountain and set up camp .as we set up camp, king yt right way started to work on the car.
The next few weeks i went up and down to see my wife and the baby twins and help work on the car
June /2/1919
we have finished redoing the car and getting it ready for the finest batch of tests.
when we heard a noise, then something blacked out the sun. We looked up and saw a tall, tin, and steam power, giant. And on the top of this giant's head sat dr. Deadeasy and his son.
"i found you again king now every one here will die from my war robot "said dr. Deadeasy
"not this time! "said the king. Yt "it's up to me and the last of the last war robots to take you two down, and i don't care how .you got working. But looked weak without a blue power stone that make it easy to fall"
" by wonderful earth thing call steam, it the only good thing that came out this rock you call earth and it will crush you all," said dr. Deadeasy
"we have to move and quickly said art
" yes, "said evenone "but how?"
"i know, all of you start run to the car and start it and hope to god that the car will work this time. Just me let slow down him just long until you do .i hope can do but if a can't just go on any way without me my friends, we are a team"
So we start running a 'bee" line to the car.
" hold it! Where you think you are doing "yelled dr. Deadeady as he made the hand of the tin giant 's hand pointing to us. But we kept on ruining to the car and get in.
"to freedom!" said art as he stand in the way of the tin giant pointing his gun" you may be big and bring trouble, pain and death to us, but you never take ours freedom and our shangri-la a way from us that we call earth!"
"is that so!" yelled dr. Deadeasy's son mr. G.r. deadeasy
"yes takes a shot out to the end to save my friends if will do it," yelled back art
Just the as art got ready to shot at the tin giant mr. Gr. Deadeasy yell the following as the pressed a button "this will be you luckily day! Your end is here, ah.ah, ah, ah, "
Then a bunch as bullets came out the finger of the giant's hand and killed art.
then it started to fire bigger bullets that made bigger holes. We just got the car started and it worked we took to the air as one of the big bullets blew a hole where we were. Flying around the giant. I told everybody to get our firearms out and shoot at will. As they fire at the tin giant.
The bullets got out. But it made a "swished" sound because i made some things call a "silencer" from a picture from the popular mechanics that i read daily. They see us firing but not hearing it and make them think we is not firing at but it seem to not to work was wall the way i wanted to be the bullets did nothing to that darn thing .it kept on firing back at us. The kept on for a few hours. Until the king yt have an idea?
" the only way to save us this time is to put it on the highest speed the rocket will go then he told us to hang on as he put it on high. Then we went a round and around the giant so fast. They didn't see us so we hid in one of the holes the giant had made then we wait in there for a while how long i ready don't know yet
June/3 1919
We had waited all night until morning. Then the daylight came down the hole. We gold more gold! It was in layer of dirt between of the stuff. The same that you can make gun power out if it.
" well no wonder there holes are so big!"i said
But we didn't have much time to really get a good look at it.
then we come we will .so slowly we came out the hole it was snowing "
Art yukon said " so that's why they left us this time .i guess they hate out snow! "
"and i guess you are right too we must come back. But first we stake this and come back in the summer"
"yes!" we will did. Then all of us as the king few us home.
June /19/1919
We got home and told every one what had happen to us and where our newest gold mine is. J. Jay was sad to her what had happen to art. So she told dan to sell the bar and live here with our friends. She don't want to do it no more .by now she only wants to be a mother and raise the kids'
June /3 / 1920
After one year of working at both mines we needed a name for our tow mines. My wife said, "why not call it "the shangri-la!" mines co. After what you told me what art said right before he dies". "yes he would like it to be called that, we name it "the shangri-la mines co." for all that fallen in the name our friends was killed in line for keep our friendship and the mine safe from evil and they are now in their little own shangri-la's in the heavens
June /4/1920
The king yt calls his son and me over today. King yt. Told me that his time for him is going to end soon, how soon he didn't know but he feat it the next time that dr. Deadeasy and son come .it will be the biggest battle that he bring in here on our earth.
then he said " there are 4 things that will save all of from him and this son:
(1st) is the earth's technology. By using it from these books you have here the popular mechanise and the popular science .i can make most from the things i have in my ship or you can make them.
(2nd) these two swords one is mine and the other is the queen's. Then he thew one up in the air from our view. Then he took the other one and it a along with a note on it and thew it in a hole that he made .a time hole he called it. Whoever holds those two swords and my son's will the be powerful enough to kill them. I hope whoever finds the swords before they get kill them.
that is why my son is no longer son of a king of our old world. But a warrior for good and for the power of good and he will be aided his sister too.
Then he looked at jennifer and said, "somehow when i look at her, i see what is going to be the future. Where's we came from .we had people called "the trangenders". Meaning some one of one sex has the feeling. Deep in the soul that they are the other sex in them. When they became the other sex they feel that they are they true self.
We used them tell us things like the future and bring us power and luck with the harmony of our people and our world .to know one is the luckiest thing that can happen to anyone. I don't know that you have them here and know that i can't ask her. She is too much of a lady and you are too much of friend to her to tell that she a reason why. I told you this.
(3rd) if any other of the 4 things that to be used and the same time they have a trangenders and a unknown earth goddess that if you have any here will end the battle it for good.
(4th) a true open love between two friends they really are lovers that may be powerful to keep them a way for a long, time how mush longer i don't know that"
Then he never said any more about this, but only to train his son and daughter to be warrior for cause of good for our entire mankind for many years to come
Over the last 21 years at our mine at anne lake, we were mining the materials that you can make t. N .t and gun power for the american and the canadian army to help the to fight the wars like the last one we have w.w.i. because of my hard work and kindness that made me a general and put me in running the last of my materials i had made a mining road to the train just few miles passed robertson .i have driven in undercover of night to a waiting train then loaded it on an empty flat car on the train just before it took off down south
Oct /29/1941
My daughter jennifer .r jay wanted to join the army with me. Yes she did. And she became col. Miss jennifer. R. Jay and they posted her at dawson creek. I let her my car. I don't mindt a bit, why because some day it wills their car. It will be her and her sisters to use. Beside i have my truck to use to haul thing with any way
The american had entered w.w. i i on this day after a bombing of the shipyards way down south.
They started to make the road to they call the "alcan" highway. I asked them nicely to put her any from the way. And they said yes to it and in now daughter in running messages to the ones who were working on the road. And the army had sent me someone to out to help to drive the materials without .any spies to see where
They started to make the road to they call the "alcan" highway. I asked them nicely to put her any from the way. And they said yes to it and in now daughter in running messages to the ones who were working on the road. And the army had sent me someone to out to help to drive the materials without .any spies to see where i had my mine. It was a good idler i was getting to old for this any way. And need some one new to help me at here before that dr.deadeasy and this son come and put an end to all for this.
March /21/1942
I tryed to phone my daughter but they said she was out doing
Some, thing what they didn't tell me i hope she is ok and also they told me by next week my new help is coming to help me out
His name was lieueiant .a .jay .he told me they all reay had
Someone trying to rob us of all of our nails for the miles posts. But don't worry sir we caught him he is not going to bug us anymore for a long time." so i asked the lieueiant . That why his name
Is "jay" what his family background is. And see if he is part of our family tree.
then lieueiant .a .jay said the following:
"sir, all that i know is the following about my family tree;
it had started way back (he pulled out very old paces of paper) to king arthur time. When two knights one named "jay" and the
Other named "jayfriend ". Had did a great deed for the king
Arthur. Which was the deed i haven't found out yet but i hope by some day i will find out ....
well getting back, to king arthur have gave then "luck and a
Open mind and love it fellow men." by getting married they did.soon thay both had twins. Soon a great war came to knights and their family .who went their own ways and never saw each other again. As the years went by and through my generations there's family that never saw each other. They married different peoples . For the last 6th generation the jays and jayfriends have twins and lot of luck. Just before the 7th generation the jay and the jayfriend come back and start next the generation under the name of "jay" ".
" then i asked "how ?"
By one of the "jayfriends" giving the last name and be come jay.
Then we show each other's family trees, it goes like this;
"dad i don't know you were adopted?" said miss. J.
" yes every one in my family was killed in w.w. i .
I was save by miss j. R. Mc. Jayfriend 6# and her grand mom ms. J. Mc.jayfriend #5 then we move here to canada where we drop the "mc" and become just "jayfriend" .i didn't know there was more famly until .the pages showed up here, " said mr. Jay
Then read on.
"i am still not feeling that i am fully part of
This family. I love my adopted family a lot, but still not really a part of it officially" said lieueiant .a .jay
"do you what to be?" i asked
"yes!" said lieueiant .a .jay with great big smiles "i sure do sir!"
"just bring me your mother and grandmother here. Then we'll see but the meanwhile let's get to work. It will be night soon and truck will be send down " i said
" yes sir!" said lieueiant .a .jay
"oh, by the way .you don't call me "sir", just call me by my last name, now take truck down" i said
" ok i will " said lieueiant .a .jay and never called me sir again .
April/18 1942
Jennifer and i were having lunch at the mine. Then my wife said
To me has to go down south for awhile.
"dear take the s. S jay[1] and some money so you get someone to remake her to a bigger better boat in yukon .and dan and his new wife and baby would like to come
With too." i said "they like to see and have time off to see the south to.
Then she kissed me. And said " this my this a little time like a few years you know "
"that is ok dear,i have some help now " i said
Then she said " good by see you all later. Just you keep a your eyes on the kids and i hope i came back soon."
I had gotten a letter from my wife .she is coming home with the all new s.s jay and with some news. What news she didn't say in her letter .i just hope is nothing too bad.
To day my help came up to get the last of materials to take to the army .now the whole mine is empty no gold and there is nothing left to mine.
jennifer and i are too getting old for this i will handit
Over to yt and lieueiant .a .jay .
at 3:42 pm lieueiant .a .jay came. He brought both his
Mother and grandmother with him .they always wanted to see the yukon. Soon his mother and i got talking about her son.
His takeing over the mine with my daughters and yt and his sister. As we talked . Lieueiant .a .jay finnished loading up the last load . Then he asked that his mother and grandmother to stay here for while to see the yukon .as he this took one last load for me. "then i said " yes, they may " .
Then he took down the last load.
June /14 /1950
My two daughters came to see me and told me that my mom is past dawson with the s.s jay. Then i show them to my guets. They were having tea with jennifer and the king yt , his son and zed. So we had a nice time sitting back and enjoying the day drinking tea and coke inthe sun. I wait for my wife to come and lieueiant .a .jay to come too.
My wife was late, that is odd .as for lieueiant .a .jay. He was stuck at fort nelson waiting for a part for my truck. At 12:05 pm king come up to me with box with nails in i t.
" what is that? " i asked
"this is the last i am thing that ever going to make. My end is near for us. And for you too i have these feeling in my bones. This box is a chip, if you of your wife die put this box on the head and it will tune it on ,then take it then put it in the car, so you can be toherget forever ".
as we walked over to the car. Jennifer was there showing our new friends i was going to say what a nice day.
Then i hear a cry. I turn a round. It was my wife bleeding
And badly need of help "run!" she said "i don't have much time left to live, a rock side had covered the s.s jay. Everyone got trapped and it killed dan, but some how i got free and was able to make it here. The reason that i took so long was that my doctor down south. Told me that have i a bad hart and i have only a few weeks to live .i came here just to say good by my dear love before i die."
Then i held her as she cried in my arms. Then she kissed me. Doing this kiss, it was her last one .she die in my arms.
Then the king put that box like chip on her head " there her
Soul will be foever here and she lives in your car. But
Before he headed over to the car a beam gabbed the chip, then we looked up there was. Dr. Deadeasy and his son and that thing he called a robot but this time it almost looked like my wife. "thanks for this king yt. Her soul is now in my robot .all i do only take out evil that is in here and i have one hell of a an evil robot with an earth woman's soul.
Now, you all will die, then i will take over the world!" said dr deadeasy as he started to move the robot closer to us then i turn to jennifer and yelled
"quickly, jennifer take our new friends and hind them ".
So jennifer did that and fast. When jennifer got the others
Out of harm's way she took off her glasses and gave them to miss j. Jay .then she said" i must go help my friends, if i don't come back. When you have your next kid. Name it jennifer. Then when she is ready, give her these glass .to remeber me by "
"sure but -" said miss j jay befor she could finish jennifer closed the door and locked it so they could only sit there and watch.
then jennifer ran up to the king yt and asked if there was any thing she could do. He said "yes ,take this then take a running jump and when you do. Jump the highest that you ever have in you life .then thouogh this at the robot. And let me do the rest!"
So jennifer took a ball from the king's hand and ran,a voiding the robot bullets and light beams. She jumped up the car's hood she jumped so high. Then she thew the ball at the robot then before she landed .the robot hit her with it's hand and she fell down the cliff i heard her yell this to me
" i love you my friend see you in heaven some day"
then i heard nothing. Then i know this will be the end for us. So i guickly tore out these following pages from my drairy and wrap them in a new rain coat that my wife and jennifer had given to me on my birthday and ran down the cliff to jennifer. Than i king yt blow up the robot but nothing happen but then the cliff the was giving away...
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